Frequently asked questions
What other language versions of the Guide will be available soon? - bitte rausnehmen!
Versions of the Guide in the following languages are in the process of being finalised and will be available soon: Amharic and Oromo (Ehtiopia); Nepali (Nepal); and Kinyarwanda (Rwanda). Please contact us if you are interested in using one of these language version.
The MHM Education Guide is not available in my language. What should I do?
For large-scale programmes, we offer customization options, which include the translation of the Guide. Please send us an email to find out more (mhmguide@wash-united.org).
The MHM Education Guide is not culturally appropriate for my region. What should I do?
Please get in touch with us to discuss the possibility of customising and/or adjusting the content and design to fit your needs.
Can we use the MHM Education Guide with boys?
We cannot recommend using the Guide with boys at this time. The Guide was designed for and with girls. It has not been tested and used with boys and does not cater to their perspective.
What is the recommended age group for a training with the MHM Education Guide?
The Guide has been designed specifically for girls ages 9 to 17. We do not recommend using the Guide with participants outside this age group.
Can I add a pad-making workshop to the MHM Education Guide training sessions?
Yes! A pad-making workshop can be a valuable extension of the training. We strongly recommend going through the Guide first and then adding this extra activity.
What is expected of the implementers using the MHM Education Guide?
If you use the Guide, we ask you to share the impact of your programme through a brief annual survey. Also, please do not alter the Guide, use it commercially, or share it with third parties without prior written permission. Please also review the Terms and Conditions document for more information.
Does WASH United provide financial support for implementation?
WASH United is not in a position to provide financial support for the implementation of the Guide. To make the implementation of the Guide affordable, the Guide was specifically designed to minimise implementation costs. All you need to conduct a training is red wool, scissors, paper, pens and a digital or printed copy of the MHM Education Guide.
Can we print the MHM Education Guide?
When you sign up to get the Guide, you will get access to a folder with a high-resolution file of the Guide that you can use for printing. Please let us know if you reuse your printed copies for another programme.
Does WASH United provide on the ground/in-person training? - rausnehmen!
WASH United has trained Master Trainers in India and East Africa that can provide in-person training of trainers on the Guide for your organisation. Please note that your organisation will need to cover the costs of such trainings. Please click on "Request quote" to get in touch, if you are interested in this type of training.
What is the difference between the Guides for the four world regions?
The story is essentially the same in all versions of the Guide, but the language, cultural references and some activities have been adjusted to suit the respective context better. The South Asian version, Ruby's World, was developed together with teachers and girls in India through a user-centered design approach. The language, cultural references and activities are tailored specifically to the needs of girls in South Asia. Rosie's World was adapted from Ruby's World for the Sub-Saharan African context. WASH United also applied a user-centred design approach for this adaptation and partnered with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from WAGGGS to test and adjust the Guide. For the Latin American and the Middle Eastern & North African (NOCA) versions, we also partnered with local organisations who supported the contextualisation.

More questions? Contact Ina
If you have questions about the MHM Education Guide that are not answered here, contact us and we will be happy to answer them.