Legal documents & contact
Publisher: WASH United gGmbH
Registered office: Berlin, Commercial Register HRB 138786 B, District Court Charlottenburg
Managing Director: Thorsten Kiefer, Sören Bruhn
Responsible in accordance with (German) publishing law: Sören Bruhn
Office: Fuerbringerstrasse 7 | 10961 Berlin | Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)30 555 768 060
Mail: info@wash-united.org
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Get in contact
Get in touch with us if you have any questions about our company or projects such as MH Day, Making Rights Real or the MHM Education Guide.
MHM Education Guide legal documents
WASH United's MHM Education Guide makes it easier than ever to conduct MHM trainings. The Guide is free to use for any planned or ongoing MHM projects. In return for using the Guide free of charge, we expect you to deliver feedback (through a short survey) on the impact of the project. For more details please download the following documents:
Terms & conditions
Reporting requirements

More questions? Contact Ina
If you have questions about the MHM Education Guide that are not answered here, contact us and we will be happy to answer them.